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New trends in Graphic Design Learn more

The world of Graphic Design changes continuously to keep up with the transformations that occur in society and industry . In fact, our way of thinking, values ​​and expectations end up being reflected in the design, which often acts as a speaker of the feelings of a group, culture or society. Knowing the latest trends in Graphic Design will serve as inspiration to develop new, interesting and contemporary proposals that resonate with today’s audience.

Five Trends in Graphic Design in 2022

  • More inclusive images

The social movements of recent years have highlighted the importance of working together to create a more inclusive world, an awareness that is being reflected in the new trends in Graphic Design. Showing human diversity is more necessary than ever, which is why more and more brands are trying to reflect it in their visual communications .

Companies like Slack, for example, have popularized inclusive images in which they represent both their employees and their customers by showing groups of people from different ethnicities, cultures and religions. This type of visual material is becoming the new standard for marketing presentations, icon design or any representative brand image.

  • Fun facts visualization

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence continue to gain ground, so graphic designers have not remained oblivious to the enormous power of data. The latest trends in Graphic Design already include interesting and simplified data that reinforce the message to be conveyed and make it more memorable .

The data gains prominence as a way to inform the audience, but also to generate trust and convey professionalism. Twitter is one of the companies that has joined this new trend in Graphic Design using visually attractive images with data that impact and convince.

  • Letter cutting

One of the most visually interesting trends in Graphic Design for 2022 is cut letters and words using different fonts. Letter cutting plays with Gestalt principles by using negative space for the mind to complete the idea.

The goal is to create more dynamic, creative, and visually appealing compositions that demand a degree of viewer involvement. The result is designs with a fresher and more modern touch where incomplete elements of different shapes and sizes are mixed.

  • Techno dystopia

The pandemic has not only left a mark on the lives of all of us, but also on art and Graphic Design. In 2020, Techno Dystopia began to resurface, proposing designs inspired by an apocalyptic world that will probably last for a long time. You might be interested in more articles on our site.

Gas masks, androids and viruses intermingle in visual universes with dreamlike touches to give life to a very peculiar aesthetic that will mark the design of the coming years . Perhaps in 2022 that aesthetic will evolve towards escapism and be filled with intense colors, fanciful settings and extravagant characters that invite the viewer to explore the design.

  • Maximalismo

Although minimalism does not completely abandon us, maximalism is gaining ground. This new trend in Graphic Design does not simply imply filling the space with objects, colors and patterns, but rather it gives life to a more motley aesthetic that responds to decorative trends such as the grandmillennial.

Characterized by a fusion of retro and modernity, the grandmillennial style hints at a hint of nostalgia, expressing a heterogeneous mix that represents cumulative and sometimes conflicting tastes. Therefore, this new trend in Graphic Design combines a mixture of influences and tastes without fear of criticism.

What do you have to study to work as a graphic designer?

To incorporate these new trends, the graphic designer not only needs a large dose of creativity, but also sensitivity, capacity for analysis and critical observation to be able to interpret their social reality and express it in a design that resonates with their viewers while meeting the expectations of the user. client.

If you want to develop these skills, at Universidad Europea we offer you our Degree in Graphic Design and Multimedia with which you can become a graphic designer and an expert in digital environments, as well as the Master’s Degree in Digital Graphic Design so that you can create innovative projects with digital resources such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.


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